Engineering the Aquaholic

We are the MHS SEALs.

Science, Engineering, Autonomous Learning-

It’s in the name.
Our engineering team goes beyond typical expectations, each one of our dedicated members not only possess the skills necessary to CAD and model, they have the ability to execute.
With their help, our collective dreams come to life.

Design Process and Outline

Getting a boat designed poses additional challenges from typical projects-
We cant test a prototype without having our initial build be waterproof.

Despite having an idea of what we wanted our boat to look like, using our cad models and planning to bring it to life from the frame up- we needed a way for our friends in computer science to test their code.
We didn’t want to make them wait for us to finish making our hulls, frames, picking paint colors.

We needed a way to get on the water fast…

Thus, TupperBoat was born.

TupperBoat, (which is exactly what it sounds like) was our solution to not having our boat ready for on water testing early on-
With TupperBoat, the motors and navigation systems could be improved upon without having to halt development.

Our team really liked TupperBoat- to the point that for a while, we were willing to run with it.

decking out our plastic container with sealant across the board and fitting custom cut acrylic to it, It worked as our primary vehicle.

Our original plan, however, never left the back of everyones minds. This design had several limitations.
There was limited space, it was difficult to build onto, and it wasn’t very structurally sound.

Enter our secondary (Original) design.

With the continuation of our original design coming into focus after figuring out the TupperBoat, we have opened new perspectives for our engineers.

Maximizing efficiency and speed in the water by taking advantage of the lightweight style of the temporary boat, we have altered our primary design.

Due to shortcomings at the beginning of the year, we’ve had to work harder to overcome a shortage of members and complete derailment of some of our more long term ideas.

We will continue to evolve

As our team learns more about opportunities and ways to grow and improve, we never fall short of embracing those changes.

We are currently aiming at a combination boat;
something reliable, and easy to build upon and improve.
Not just improvable in the moment, however,

We are hoping to leave marks that our members next year will build off of!